Throwing Car Batteries in the Ocean: Is It Legal?

Throwing Car Batteries in the Ocean: Is It Legal?

Maintaining our oceans is an essential part of preserving life on earth. Many experts estimate that we’ve discovered less than 5% of the ecosystem. Unfortunately, our oceans have become overrun with garbage as landfills have been filled. Many items, such as car batteries, end up polluting our oceans. 

Are you wondering if throwing a car battery in the ocean is legal? Although the regulations can vary depending on your state, the short answer to the question is no. 

If you have a car battery you need to get rid of, check out these tips so you can do so responsibly.

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Misconceptions About Car Battery Disposal

 Some people have been led astray by misinformation on the internet, making them believe that disposing of car batteries in the ocean was not only legal but somehow beneficial. 

Many believed the disinformation from a popular meme page that not only says throwing car batteries in the ocean is legal but encourages doing so. Other misinformation came from a man answering a Quora question, then making crank calls asking about how to dispose of car batters in the ocean.

Other issues came when a Twitter user posted the results from her Google search, which suggested that disposing of car batteries in the ocean somehow helps the environment. This information is incorrect, irresponsible, and dangerous and should have never been taken seriously.

As car batteries give out, some people believe that all of their harmful properties no longer exist. Rather than look for alternative disposal methods such as recycling, some people look for the fastest, most convenient way to get rid of their batteries. For instance, some people simply throw them in the trash, where they eventually end up in landfills to rot as their chemicals seep into the ground. Many states have begun passing laws that make throwing your batteries in the garbage. 

Penalties for Throwing Car Batteries In The Ocean

It’s commonplace in our society for people to understand rules based on using common sense. But, a small sect always wants to test boundaries without fearing (or understanding) the consequences. 

Make no mistake, throwing car batteries in the ocean is no small thing that can land you in serious trouble.

By disposing of your car battery in the ocean, you risk incurring hefty littering fines or time in jail by disposing of your car battery into the sea.

So, you should find other ways to get rid of your car battery, as it can cost you more than you think.

Why you Shouldn’t Throw Car Batteries In The Ocean

Nothing good comes from throwing your car battery in the ocean despite what some “comedian” on the internet says. Car batteries do not help charge the gulf and don’t benefit aquatic life in any way. Car batteries can have devastating consequences for life in the ocean.

Batteries contain high toxin levels, slowly leaking into the water over time. These chemicals are poisonous to creatures in the water, ruining their food supply and poisoning their environment. Although the substances eventually break down, it takes years to do so. By the time the harmful chemicals have dispersed, the damage has already been done.  Also, these chemicals may stick around in the food chain and contaminate seafood, increasing your risk of inadvertently ingesting toxins the next time you order seafood.

Proper Car Battery Disposal

While it may be tempting to head out to the beach and toss your battery away, there are much safer alternatives for you to dispose of your car battery.

For instance, you can travel to your local auto store and turn it in. Some places may even pay you for doing so.

Another option for battery disposal is calling your municipality and checking for a hazardous waste disposal area. Many locations can come to pick your battery up from your home. But, if not, you’ll still feel good making the drive to the disposal area because you’ve done your part to help maintain the environment.

Nearly 100% of lead batteries are recyclable, meaning you can take your car battery to a metal recycling facility near you. These facilities generally take all kinds of batteries and harvest the metals inside. Plus, many of them compensate you for every battery you bring in.

The Final Verdict

Dumping car batteries in the ocean is a dangerous act. It pollutes the waters that all the ecosystems on Earth rely on and can leave untold damage for future generations to fix.

Knowing what resources are available to you is crucial so you can take the proper measures to dispose of old car batteries responsibly and avoid taking shortcuts to handle the task.

Unfortunately, the environment has suffered from the aftermath of a silly, unfounded internet claim.

But, you can avoid contributing to the problem by using common sense and acting responsibly.

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